Sunday, June 1, 2008

Personal Hygiene

Karis just turned 2 months old. Around that time she had her first tub bath. She had survived up until then with nothing more than routine sponge baths. It was time to get her really clean! We weren't sure what her response to the whole thing would be... We expected either shrieks of fear or gurgles of delight. We got someone who seemed to think it was just OK. She probably just wasn't sure what to make of it. We're glad the sponge bath phase is over. Hopefully bath time will be a fun play time once she gets more used to it?

1 comment:

Eliza said...

Yeah, Micah was never much for the bath either. He doesn't hate it or love it. He just deals with it. I got a new bathtub though that I think might change it all up.