Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bugs and Birds Beware

One of Karis's favorite activities lately is her "animal friends" mat. We lay her on her back and she stares in wonderment at all of her brightly colored friends that hang above. Just this week, she has mastered the art of touching, dare I say smacking, her new friends.

Let this post go out as a warning to all bugs and birds alike. If you hang completely still approximately two inches over our baby, you might get smacked in the face. Consider yourselves warned. That goes for you too Big Bird!

Please enjoy the following video:


Eliza said...

Drew, you are hilarious. I always laugh when I read your blog. She's so cute and it's only going to get more fun from here.

Oh and I loved hearing Tara whistle in the background. I miss that.

hlw said...

Your blog makes me smile. Cute.