Friday, May 16, 2008


If you have never had a baby, cooing probably does not seem like a big deal. You have to understand that in the first month there are very few social interactions with your baby. She is effectively a social blob. The sounds that come out of her are either related to crying or an activity that rhymes with cooing. (I'll spare you those videos) For Tara and I, any signs of social development are extremely exciting. Karis has been getting more and more smiley every day. You'll see in the video. Towards the end, you'll hear a little coo. It's very cool to watch her grow and develop.

1 comment:

Eliza said...

Precious! I really miss that time of when they are interactive, but will stay put when you put them down somewhere. Today Micah was trying to escape from his bouncer....he probably would have too, if I hadn't stopped him.