Thursday, May 8, 2008

JavaFX Will Make Your Head Spin

If you understand that title, you are a huge nerd! Wait, that makes me a huge nerd... Anyway, I'm experiencing separation anxiety this week. I'm not crying inconsolably about it. But, I am missing my girls!

My company sent me to a conference in San Francisco. The conference is all about a technology called Java which I have been using every day at work ever since I graduated from college. So I'm spending my days enjoying the company of a plethora of technology enthusiasts. I know what you are thinking: "That must be the dorkiest place ever! Like a Star Trek convention!" Well that's the crazy thing... It's actually kind of hip. For example, Niel Young was here the first day and actually spoke for a little while. I know, pretty surprising.

I have a video clip below to demonstrate the blatant coolness of this conference. Java has a relatively new technology that they are hyping big time. It's called JavaFX. The video below is from the main session where they started talking about JavaFX. It's amazing the urban influences in technology today. Nothing says computer programming like a little hip-hop and some break dancing! Just watch the video below:

That was maybe the last thing I expected to see at this conference. Apparently JavaFX is so cool it will make your head spin. At the very least it will make you spin on your head?

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