Sunday, November 30, 2008

She's on the List

Today we took Karis to the King of Prussia mall. We entered through a department store where she proceeded to wave at every person she saw. You see, we just got back from visiting both of our families for Thanksgiving. Karis has mastered waving and realized that if she waves to her family members, they will wave back. What she didn't realize was that perfect strangers will not wave back at her. She seemed to get a little discouraged by the lack of return waves before we reached the main mall entrance.

We made it to the line to see the one and only Santa. We have told Karis about Santa and even had a dry run at my parents house with a stuffed Santa. That all went perfectly fine. The video below picks up once we got to the front of the line to see Santa.

Santa is not her favorite yet... But at least we know for sure that she is on the list!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Captain Karis

We spent a couple days this summer with my parents in Nantucket and here are some of the highlights:

  1. We spent a day at the beach. It's the kind of beach where you let the air out of your tires and drive onto the sand. You back the car up and dump all of your stuff. We had a nice day and BBQ'ed. Karis doesn't exactly look like she is at the beach because she hung out in a UV tent. She also tested out the ocean. I'll have to do a video post of that one in a couple days.

  2. We went boating. No, that is not the latest style in chic clothing for babies. To board the boat, Karis had to wear a life preserver. You have to admit she looked pretty cute/silly.

  3. Karis set the Guiness Book World Record for youngest to captain a boat. As you can see, Grandpa let her drive. Even though she didn't hit anything, we'll be sticking to the exersaucer and jumperoo at home. (they require a little less supervision and gas...)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Plague or Pool?

Sincerest appologies for the extended absence and for breaking the silence with little more than a few words.  

Karis has been so much fun and we have been incredibly busy. (having fun with her) The picture below is not actually a real frog, but is an inflatable pool. Thank goodness!

A couple weekends ago was a perfect opportunity to test it out. Karis hated it at first, but warmed up to it. Once she realized that there were bath toys she just started playing. She even learned how to splash and attempted to drink some spout water...

Click for larger images...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Need I say more?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The Olympics have started and there is one event that is blatantly missing. The exersaucer is most definitely a necessary addition to the summer games. Karis would be an excellent member of the US team. I know what you are thinking... She isn't old enough to compete. However, I'm pretty sure that she is the same age as some of the Chinese gymnasts.

Monday, July 28, 2008


We have had a few moments where Karis has let out a solitary giggle. Tara and I usually turn towards each other as if to say. "Did you hear that?" Well as you are about to witness, this past weekend there was no mistaking it. Karis is a full fledged giggler. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Developmental Milestone Discovered

We believe that we may have discovered a new developmental milestone that falls right between rolling over and giggling. It is Shopping! My guess is that this milestone may have been overlooked as it is theoretically only applicable to female babies. As you can see below Karis reached out and grabbed the jeans that she thought would look best on her.

Karis then proceeded to try on a bandana, commenting: "Ahhh, gooo, phhhh!" Which is translated from baby talk as: "That's how I roll!"

She then tried on some sun glasses. The style is large these days so she found the biggest pair around.

We think this may be a break through in child development. So all you developmental psychologist that read this blog, please contact us... We could use your input on which journal would be most appropriate for a submission.